Friday 13th November, 2020, is World Kindness Day.
We can all do with a little (or even a lot) kindness. Our School Counsellor, Mrs Byrne, reflects on how we might be able to spread a little more kindness in our lives.
'World kindness day is a day devoted to 'the positive potential of both large and small acts of kindness' with an aim of bringing people together. 2020 has been a year quite like no other, and more than ever the application of kindness to ourselves and towards others is of crucial importance. How might we be able to extend this kindness to others in our class, our year group, our school and wider community? I challenge you to all extend at least one act of kindness to another person, maybe extend the hand of friendship to someone you've never spoken to, or consider how you could support another student with kindness? I know for example that many of our overseas boarding students have been unable to travel home this half term, and may not therefore see their families until Christmas, or even later into next year. Imagine what support you may appreciate in this situation and put this kindness into action.
' Kindness, like a boomerang always returns'.