Plymouth College is celebrating its GCSE results this morning after seeing a 10% increase of grades at A*/A. Over a quarter of students have achieved seven or more top grades with six of these gaining ten or more.
James North, Matthew Singh-Benning and Megan Thompson have all walked away with an outstanding 7A*s and 4As each. Other top performers include Oscar Marsland (4A*s, 6As, 1B), Tilly Loveland-Perkins (4A*s, 6As) and Poppy Tank (3A*s, 7As).
Olympic and World Champion, Ruta Meilutyte, is waiting until she has finished competing at the European Championships before looking at her results. The Lithuanian swimmer has just won two gold medals at the Youth Olympics in China and is heading straight to Berlin where she hopes to pick up a European title.
The overall A* to C pass rate has increased to 88%.
"Well done to all our students receiving their results today," said Headmaster Dr Simon Wormleighton. "I am delighted to see that the hard work and commitment of both students and teachers is reflected in a strong set of results, particularly as we are a non-selective school with a number of students for whom English is not their first language."