January 30th 2015
Plymouth College sixth former, Robin Willoughby, 17, is standing for election to represent Plymouth in the UK Youth Parliament. Robin is one of eight candidates vying for two Members of Youth Parliament (MYP) positions and two deputy MYPs in the city. The remaining four will make up a local Cabinet.
The UK Youth Parliament provides opportunities for 11-18 year-olds to use their voice in creative ways to bring about social change. If elected, Robin wants to set up a series of Student Funds, giving pupils the opportunity to make decisions on improvements in their schools. MYPs serve for one year, working with the local council and MPs on issues affecting young people as well as having the chance to debate issues in the House of Commons.
Every July all the MYPs get together and produce a manifesto of issues that young people think are important and affect them, like education, activities and media, laws, the environment, international issues etc. The Government reads this document and the MYP then takes those issues forward in their city or area.
Robin, who is studying for A Levels in History, Economics, Biology and Music, is currently campaigning with posters around the school. In the first week of February, a video featuring all eight candidates will be shown at schools across the city; voting will then take place.
“I have always been interested in politics”, said Robin. “I am hoping I will get elected so that I can do my bit to make a difference for young people in the city.”
The UK Youth Parliament provides opportunities for 11-18 year-olds to use their voice in creative ways to bring about social change. If elected, Robin wants to set up a series of Student Funds, giving pupils the opportunity to make decisions on improvements in their schools. MYPs serve for one year, working with the local council and MPs on issues affecting young people as well as having the chance to debate issues in the House of Commons.
Every July all the MYPs get together and produce a manifesto of issues that young people think are important and affect them, like education, activities and media, laws, the environment, international issues etc. The Government reads this document and the MYP then takes those issues forward in their city or area.
Robin, who is studying for A Levels in History, Economics, Biology and Music, is currently campaigning with posters around the school. In the first week of February, a video featuring all eight candidates will be shown at schools across the city; voting will then take place.
“I have always been interested in politics”, said Robin. “I am hoping I will get elected so that I can do my bit to make a difference for young people in the city.”