Plymouth College Running Club with Dr Norris has been one of our extra-curricular clubs that have continued during lockdown and our pupils have been enjoying the outdoors and counting up their kilometres for the Evolution Expedition with Mr Mutlow!
Google Classroom is used to deliver a programme of run sessions, core strength sessions and advice and tips on running. There is a Google Meet every Thursday at 4pm for a briefing on the interval session for each week and a catch up on everyone's running progress.
Completion of runs and tasks on Google Classroom is tallied to create a leaderboard which will lead to prizes when we get back to school. This week's focus has been on running cadence and how it can make your running more efficient, but also prevent injury.
We have 20 members, many of those who were involved in the running club before lockdown, but if any other students would like to get involved and have a structured programme to develop their running, or even take up running as a beginner, then please email anorris@plymouthcollege.