It's been absolutely lovely seeing all of our pupils returning to the Prep school, and I for one am extremely glad that we got to have some beautiful weather for the first two days. What a wonderful return it has been and how quickly pupils have settled - another example of how resilient they are.
Clubs have started once again to be on-site and very soon we hope to get back to a type of normal.
In Pre-school, the garden centre (home corner) has been a firm favourite this week, using and extending vocabulary in role play situations, alongside sequencing stories using the very familiar story of Jack and the Beanstalk, sequencing pictures to aid story telling stills and vocab is trickier than it looks as you have to create a narrative around it ensuring it’s in the correct order, however they worked as a team and made it look easy! The story was then told in their own words using the pictures to aid this. In Reception, there has been a secret project happening involving clay. Ms McWilliam has been really pleased with how well they have worked on their phonics this week and they have produced some excellent writing.
This week, our Year 2 pupils got to have some fun by making stress balloons out of cornflower! It was very messy, but also heaps of fun!
In Years 3 and 4, pupils have enjoyed being back in the classroom together with their friends and in their year group bubbles, have been working together in small groups and pairs to solve all types of mathematical problems. Furthermore, some of our older pupils spent time using a site called Blooklet to challenge each other in online Maths races. Could we please remind pupils and parents that pupils should only use this using the link or code sent by their teacher.
After spending so many weeks during lockdown spent in front of a computer, our Year 6 pupils completed some practical work in the school corridors and looked at calculating their walking speed. The 2 metre tape markings along the corridor came into great use!
Finally, it was amazing to see all of our pupils enjoying Games and PE this week all together - I am very much looking forward to seeing our pupils getting active with their friends and not in front of a computer screen now that we can all be together again.
Certificates this week:
Beauden Smith - for great listening and helping within the class.
Fryderyk Rybczynski - for being so welcoming to all his classmates.
Year 1
Jessica Barwell - for a happy, smiley disposition.
Year 2
Maggie Bailey - for resilience.
Year 3
Charles Harris - for a diligent attitude towards classwork.
Year 4
Pia Hunt-Batchelor - for making a positive return to school.
Year 5
Seb Bennett - for such a positive return to school.
Year 6
Tomasz Kowalewski - for settling back into school life with enthusiasm.