We were blessed with dry weather here at Ford Park when we welcomed children from Years 5 and 6 to join us for some fun activities.
The team building out on the Astro and the sports field proved to be a huge success; who knew that Giants beat Wizards who beat Dwarves who, in turn beat Giants? Other outdoor activities included 'Crossing the Swamp' where the children only had a limited number of planks to get their team accross and guiding a golf ball down a series of gulleys into a target, where the target was a lot further away than the gulleys could go - team work of the very highest order required to succeed in this one!
In the classroom the children had a Design Technology activity where they were challenged to build a wind turbine. Their designs were then tested out by Mrs Lisney and Mr Mutlow and we had some great 'spinners'. Animals were the order of the day in Spanish as they learned the spanish words for elephant, tiger, lion and snake to name just a few and the children discovered that there are quite a few Spanish words that are similar to the ones we use in English. Spanish finished with a quick game of 'stand up bingo'.
A Classics lesson with Mr Agobiani had the children dressing up and learning about Greek Gods and in Physics it was all about balloon power - working out how quickly their balloon rocket travelled along a set distance and trying to work out if they could make it go faster.
Take a look at the photos of the day in the album below;