Although we have now finished the last full week of the Spring term, it hasn't stopped the motivation of all of our pupils in being creative, practical and hard-working in all of their subjects!
Design Technology
In DT this week, there has been a plethora of practical activities in the workshops. Year 9 have been using the laser cutter to carry out some smart watch strap development modelling this week, following from their designs that they have been perfecting over the course of remote learning and getting back to the classroom - their enthusiasm has certainly shown by some of the excellent outcomes this week!
We have also seen some hard work going into GCSE projects this week! There have been lots of practical iterations being made to test out various processes and will continue with their veg peelers as part of their final projects. Year 10 have also been practising their CAD skills with the Auto Desk Inventor software and finding out how to use tools to make design iterations.
Additionally, there has been some excellent outcomes in DT club this week! Students have been laser cutting acrylic and making stands for their phones or smart watches by line bending and heat forming. The products we have seen so far are wonderful!
In Biology this week, there has been a wide range of activities taking place with Mr Prideaux in the lab - including our Year 11 biologists learning all about respiration by using mealworms and investigating the respiratory rate of living organisms and the effect that temperature has. By doing this, our GCSE biologists were able to measure the uptake of oxygen in a given time and evaluate the rate of respiration.
Our Year 11 Chemists this week were also completing some core practical experiments in their lessons this week. During their chemistry lessons with Mrs Burnman, they were able to make copper sulfate crystals, using a mixture of copper oxide and sulfuric acid and the Bunsen burner technique, that required our pupils to use filtration and evaporation to create hydrated copper sulfate crystals.
Business Studies and Economics
In Business Studies this week, our Year 10 students have been using their maths skills to work out contextualised revenue, cost and profit calculations. By being able to do this, it demonstrates the practical application of the skill and will be incredibly useful for them in the future. Working out what's relevant is just as important as the calculation itself. Well done guys!
Our Year 9-10 STEM club students have been having fun by making some cardboard cars which will run with a simple electronic motor. They are also designing wind turbines to race each other and testing out their designs to see who has the most successful turbine. It's been great fun and also an effective way of learning electronics and technology.
Mayflower 401
This week our Lower Sixth students that have been taking part in the Mayflower 401 project made their first video that was sent to Rijnlands Lyceum in Oegstgeest, near Leiden in the Netherlands, and the network of partner schools around the Netherlands as well as in Turkey and Nepal.
Their aim was to present themselves to their Dutch, Turkish and Nepalese partners in the project and talk about elements such as Plymouth and its landmarks and English culture. Here is the introductory video that was sent over: