It's been a busy few days at the Prep as we all begin to settle down into the summer term. It's been fantastic to welcome new children to the Prep this term and to see how quickly they have settled in and become part of the Plymouth College community already.
PreSchool and Reception classes have thoroughly made the most of the lovely weather and have been learning outside, during their Forest School sessions. This week they walked to our outdoor classroom using our 'rope bus'. They sat outside their safety circle and talked of staying safe, practising how to walk around the circle safely. They also had a scavenger hunt, where the children looked for things that were, bumpy, yellow, green, a tiny stick, something soft, something spiky. There were some really interesting items and they all returned to the circle to discuss them The children had some time to explore further. Next week they are looking forward to going on a Mini Beast hunt!
In Year 1, 1MH did some fabulous 3D plant theme art yesterday. They also now have a ‘class friend’ called Flying Sam. He’ll be going home for an adventure with a lucky child each week. This week, Lizzie Leigh earned the privilege for all her effort. Year 1 were also enthralled by Cameron's presentation to them when he spoke to the class very knowledgeably about the owl pellets he found. Of course, with St Georges's day to be celebrated today, he has featured in some of the Year 1 lessons including St. George's Day English comprehension, St George's day maths mosaics and St George's Day 'design a dragon' activities- very 'cross' curricular..!. It was great for the children to then see the St George's Cross everywhere at lunch time today too as they were able to identify it.
Year 2 are creating their own allotment. This week they prepared the flower beds, saving the bulbs for next year and started planting seeds. They are growing a range of vegetables and herbs. We are all very excited about our sunflower competition.
Year 3 have started the Summer Term with great enthusiasm for learning about The Vikings and are enjoying reading our class reading book, The Minpins, written by Roald Dahl. We are looking forward to finding out what Billy discovers in the forbidden forest! It has been wonderful to see Don Tsui return to the classroom on Thursday this week! Don has been learning remotely from Hong Kong since the beginning of January and has worked so hard to carry on his studies online despite the 8 hour time difference! 3EB all cheered when they saw Don arrive onto the playground and now it really does feel like we have our class back.
Ancient Egypt is the current topic for Year 4 History. They found out about the importance of its geographical location and thought of many interesting questions to ask about an Egyptian artefact.
Certificates awarded for this week are;
Pre-school - Aurelia Prime for settling in very well.
Reception - Isaac Gregory for being self-motivated and setting a good example to others.
Year 1 - Cameron Cheal for courtesy, knowledge and enthusiasm in sharing his show and tell.
Year 2 - Reeva Mountjoy for being a sheer delight in and out of the classroom.
Year 3 - Freya Wynne for integrating fully into the extra-curricular life of the school.
Year 4 - Rory Butterworth for his enthusiasm in sharing his knowledge during class discussions.
Year 4 - Jake Veater - 40 House Points.
Year 5 - Jacob Throgmorton for settling in so well at Plymouth College Prep.
Year 6 - Harry Timson for his community spirit.