Exercise FIRST LOOK happens every year and is the first Ex that the new recruits to the CCF deploy on. Timed with the end of the first half term it allows the senior cadets and adult staff time to train up the recruits before deploying. Usually the Ex would be an overnight stay, under a tent sheet 'basha' but due to COVID restrictions this was reduced to a one day event.
On Saturday 24 October over 60 cadets deployed with 12 members of the CCF staff to Screasdon Fort. Near the village of Antonyit is one of several forts built to protect Plymouth Sound from French naval attack. It is still part of the MOD estate and used by the Royal Marines Commando during their training.
Plymouth College has a partnership with Stoke-Damerel Community College (SDCC) that allows them to be part of the CCF. The Army Section Commander, Lieutenant Steve Chapman is a member of SDCC teaching staff. A contingent from SDCC joined us on EX FL but inline with school and government guidance the cadets were kept separate as they rotated round the activities.
The cadets were met at the gates by SSI (School Staff Instructor) Gordon Smith who briefed them on what to expect during the day and to issue them with their rations. They were each given an army 24 hour ration pack that included everything they required for 3 meals, that they had to cook for themselves.
The activities included a visit to Jupiter Point, a Royal Navy Sea Sense Centre, where the cadets have the opportunity to get out on the water. The weather was not good but only one group missed out on having a go in the power boats. This was led by Commander Bill Andrew the Navy Section Commander and he was assisted by Lt Lisa Williams, Lt Tim Lambie and Capt David Green.
SSgt Smith, Sgt Hal Gamble and Lt Andy Lock ran an air rifle range. Lt Lock is a volunteer with the cadets with a son in the Prep school, he has considerable military experience including time in the special forces. Sgt Gamble is a OPM volunteer and a member of the Army Reserves. The cadets preparation training for the Ex included weapon handling so that they could all have a go at shooting safely. This is part of the cadet syllabus that builds up to firing the SA80 (the Army assault rifle) both on live ranges and blank exercises.
Lt Steve Chapman was joined by Capt Rich Clark and Sgt 'Odie' Odendaal on running the casualty evacuation and grenade range stand. Capt Clark is an OPM and currently serving with the Royal Artillery, we are lucky that when we have training he comes and assists, bringing a wealth of young officer experience. Sgt Odendaal is the newest member of our team and a member of the school teaching staff. This was her first Ex and we are loving having her along. The Casualty evacuation stand is the hardest physically as we have quite a heavy dummy 'the Colonel' who often needs to be carried over very difficult terrain! It builds teamwork and keeps the cadets warm!
Major Butterworth (the Contingent Commander) claims that he was running the Escape and Evasion stand but in reality this was done by the senior cadets, Cadet Cpl's Abagael Black and Eleanor Sainsbury and their team. For this the recruits were given the scenario that they were captured and needed to escape from the ruined part of the fort, other senior cadets were acting as guards and the only way to get out generally included crawling through lots of mud. Luckily we had also booked plenty of rain!
The final stand was run by 2Lt Jaime Bassett, a member of the school staff who has unfortunately moved on now, she will be missed, but asked back as soon as we can have a dinner night to formally say farewell. She was ably assisted by Cdt Cpl Emily Pascoe and her team on running the command tasks. These are a group of activities that require the cadets to think and work together. Physical brain teasers they allow the staff to see the cadets leadership ability and for the cadets to learn and improve. These included such things as the team ski race, each team has 2 planks that with the aid of ropes they have to walk on like large ski's, coordinating their efforts to win.
Overall it was an excellent day. The weather was bad but as the army says 'if it ain't raining it ain't training'. The staff had fun and the feedback from the cadets was excellent. They all put in a massive effort and should be proud of what they achieved. We are now looking forward to our next weekends training and hoping that we can soon start spending nights away as well.