Once again, we've had a fab week this week in our lessons at the Senior school! Our teachers have hit the ball out of the park in their teaching and throughout this term have made every single lesson enjoyable for the pupils.
In science this week, we've had a mass amount of practical lessons, from our Year 9 pupils learning about photosynthesis to our Lower Sixth biologists making a classic textbook blood smear and looking into the cell structure under a microscope!
Well done to Year 9 pupils in French who have just finished completing their topic work on "Mes sports". Their final piece of writing included 2 or 3 tenses as well as GCSE complex structures. Bravo la classe!
Design Technology
There has also been a significant amount of practical work in DT this week! Our Year 9 pupils have been making paper helicopters and are now in the evaluating process for their second iteration. As well as this, our Sixth Form pupils have been testing manufacturing methods, including steam bending.