Plymouth College’s Combined Cadet Force (CCF) had over 70 cadets on parade to mark its biennial inspection. The contingent has a very successful partnership with Stoke Damerel Community College, which was well represented at the inspection.
This year the College was proud to host Air Commodore G Tunnicliffe RAF from the Ministry of Defence, London, in his role as the inspecting officer. He was particularly pleased with the standard of the parade and the level of training. After the formal inspection he watched presentations given by two cadets who had recently undertaken a flying scholarship in Scotland and a cadet exchange to Canada.
The parade and presentations were followed by cadet training displays, the Contingent Commander’s Competition. Cadets undertook a number of challenges such as map reading, command task, military maze, observation test and rucksack challenge.
The inspection finished with an address by Air Commodore Tunnicliffe, prize-giving, promotions and awards. The winners of the Contingent Commander’s Challenge were the RAF Section - a fair result and one not biased by the inspecting officer’s rank and service! First Aid awards were presented to Cdts Westwell, Reichal and Brown with RAF awards for Proficiency 1 and 2 going to Cdts S Rickard, Hamza, Edwards and Heath. Promotions to Cadet Sergeant were awarded to Cdt Cpl Hamble and Smerdon, with promotions to Lance Corporal awarded to Cadets Andrew and Truscott.
A very successful biennial inspection and the Contingent Commander’s thanks go to the cadet staff for all their behind the scenes support and to the cadets themselves who put in an outstanding performance on the day.
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