We have been so proud of the way that pupils have settled back into their new routines at school. The children have started the term working incredibly hard and I hope to be able to share some evidence of this in the next few weeks. I have enjoyed seeing smiling faces every morning and have been delighted by some of the conversations you can only have with a 4 year old! So far this week, I have entered rock pools in Year 1 and seen rainbows and stormy clouds in Year 2, as well as seeing some amazing Maths problem solving. I look forward to seeing what some of the other year groups are learning about next week.
We will be bringing back our Community awards next week. These will be given to those pupils who have made a difference to the school community. We are also looking forward to clubs starting next week.
On behalf of all the staff, I would like to say a huge thank you to parents for all the positive comments we have had so far this term. It has been lovely to see all of you back too.