Thank you all for your understanding with the few changes in procedures we have put in place this week. As ever, our priority remains keeping pupils as safe as possible and I am grateful to staff and parents for their support.
Despite restrictions in classrooms, we have still managed to have an exciting week. The highlight, and much talked about, event being the dragon’s nest (including three dragon eggs) that has appeared outside the Year 2 classroom. We are eagerly awaiting to see what happens next!
We are starting to look ahead to our first festival of the term, Harvest, and we will be looking to share many of the ‘gifts’ the children have for you, although this year it will be virtually.
This week is the start of our community awards. These are presented to pupils who have been particularly kind, helpful or polite and sometimes gone out of their way to make a difference. Often a member of staff notices these gestures and reports back to myself or the form teacher.
This week the awards go to:
Laura Cowburn
Lily Dowd
Finnbar Downey
Arthur King
Ottilie King
Barnaby Meech
Achilles Servis
Beauden Smith
Huge congratulations to all our wonderful starters in Pre-School, what a fabulous start to your school journey.
Reception - Lola Anna Maarse for settling in and participating so enthusiastically and cheerfully in all aspects of school life.
Year 1 - Edward Davis for a great can-do attitude.
Year 2 - Rowan Lock for an incredible attitude to learning.
Year 3 - Lucy Dijkstra-Naaktgeboren for being a polite, helpful and kind member of the class.
Year 4 - Edie Russell for being kind and polite.
Year 5 - Neve Ratumaiwai for cooperation and kindness.
Year 6 - Phoebe Harley for regularly offering help and supporting the school community.
Planet Earth
Year 1MH have been creating Planet Earth collages to appreciate how much water is around us.
Summer Reading
Dhwani in 1MH earned her summer reading challenge certificate. She read 24 books!
Battle of Britain
Lizzie Leigh in 1MH brought in her Daddy's childhood Spitfire aeroplane to show the class after Year 1 learned about the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.
This week in RE, Year 1 were learning about Harvest and how bread is made. We made some bread in class and we thought it was yummy!
Miss J. Newnham
Prep School Lead