This week has seen a plethora of academic and extracurricular achievements!!
In Science, Year 8 have been learning about electrostatics and looking at visualising electric field shapes using pupils’ hair and a van der Graaff generator!
Year 7 and 8 Space Club completed stage 1 of their Mars Lander project, which was to scavenge parts from an RC Ferrari generously donated by Barbie. Using the car’s wheels, motor and electronics, the pupils are planning to integrate these into a new chassis that is more suitable for a planetary rover on rough terrain. The ultimate aim is to then power the new vehicle using solar panels. Launch date to be confirmed!
In English, Kate Atkinson in Year 11 received a certificate from the Anne Frank Trust UK for her poem, "An Extraordinary, Ordinary Girl"
Sports and Extra-Curricular Achievements
Martha Miles has been selected to compete for Devon in the British Dressage U25 Regional championships 16-18th October!
In swimming, Year 8 pupils Freya Pearson and Iskander Raubenheimer have been selected onto the second stage of the Swim England talent pathway, onto the regional swim camp!
Plymouth College Combined Cadet Force has had an excellent start to the new school year. A higher than expected turn out for the new recruits section meant that we nearly ran out of uniforms!
The cadet seniors soon got into the swing of organising the new Year 10 cadets into activities including: drill, introduction to the rifle, pairs tactics and basha building. All activities were carried out either by social distancing or in cohort bubbles. The afternoon started off with a attendance of over 90 cadets and a parade where 4 of the senior cadets were rewarded for their hard work with promotions. Well done Cadet Corporals Lynch, Sainsbury, Hockin from Army section and Cadet Corporal Read from the RAF section.
We have lots of activities planned although our overnight camps have to be postponed due to the virus. We are now looking forward to more fieldcraft, weapon handling, leadership and self confidence building activities.
Well done to everyone who has achieved great things this week!