This week at the Prep we have continued looking at the Plymouth College principle of resilience and started looking ahead to the next principle in our list – respect. All pupils from Years 1-6 sang Harvest themed songs and Year 5 read poems to celebrate Harvest in our first socially distanced, virtual service of the year. This was done in bubbles and through some wonderful editing will hopefully come together.
On my walk around the school this week I have seen some wonderful displays of pupils work:
In the outdoors classroom a bug hunt resulted in finding several baby ladybirds. Our youngest pupils had a fantastic time looking through leaves and under tables with their magnifying glasses.
I was asked to go back to Year 1 to see their finished stories that they started last week. Mrs Smith has made a wonderful display and I have been able to read some incredibly creative work. They have continued this work and have been looking at amazing adjectives this week.
Year 1 were fascinated by the seashore objects they encountered when visited this week by Coral from The Wildlife Trust.
At the Junior end of the school Year 3 have been wanting to do more and more Maths in class as they have started getting to grips with using the column method to add and subtract. I hope they continue to show this enthusiasm when I teach them in a couple of years’ time! They also made a beautiful collaborative piece of work reflecting the autumn colours. Year 4 have made posters about Mountains. These really look amazing in the classroom and so much hard work has gone into producing them. Year 5 have produced a wonderful display using their hands to demonstrate how they can help each other and who they can turn to for help and Year 6 have really made an effort with their anti-bullying posters that they have been working on a s a result of the anti-bullying assembly they watched last week.
Photos to go with all of these activities can be seen in the newsletter.
This week the awards go to:
Community Award
Preschool - Lily Dowd for her wonderful, funny approach to school.
Reception - Drift Inwood for resilience and being understanding of others.
Year 1 - Lizzie Leigh for sharing her fossils and photos with Year One.
Year 2 - Charlie Mowatt for a consistent focused approach to his learning.
Year 3 - Don Tsui for being an enthusiastic and cheerful member of the class.
Year 4 - Britta Hunt-Batchelor for a consistently positive and enthusiastic attitude.
Year 5 - Henry Downes for being an all-round superstar!
Year 6 - Struan Brockie for a positive and enthusiastic attitude to all aspects of learning.
Well done to all pupils for another week of hard work.
Miss J. Newnham
Prep School Lead