This year's first Leon Paul Junior Series national ranking tournament saw a number of Plymouth College Senior and Prep School fencers return with medals.
The event took place in Truro and saw Abagael Black from the Prep School take 1st in the U11 girls. In the U13 boys, Benjamin Andrews from the Senior School also took gold. Bronze medals went to Joanna Sells (Prep) U9 girls, Elouise Wills (Prep) U11 girls, William Mills (Prep) U11 boys, Emma Andrews and Gabrielle Wardle (Senior) U13 girls and Sam Malcolm (Prep) U13 boys.
For the U13s this is the first event towards England selection for the 2014/15 season. All the fencers train with Plymouth Fencing Club - Head Coach, Andy Hill, is also Plymouth College's Director of Modern Pentathlon and Fencing.