This weekend Plymouth College prepared over 100 face shields to support NHS and other key workers in the fight against Covid-19. Using the schools laser cutter, DT teacher, Mr Martin Wesley and six boarding pupils, put together the shields which were quickly snapped up by local doctors, key workers and even a funeral director from Plymouth.
Mr Wesley said, “As well as being a DT teacher, I am also a Boarding Parent, which means I support our boarding pupils. Due to the terrible situation around the world, some of our pupils haven’t been able to go home for Easter and so they are staying safe with us. They have been as keen as I have been to make these shields so we sourced some unused materials and set to work. We managed to make 75 shields initially and after a little more research we discovered other materials, including laminating pouches, could be used and went on to make a further 50. We are extremely proud that we could make just a little difference to the amazing work being done by the NHS and other key workers.”
The first doctor to collect 50 shields was Dr Penny Atkinson, GP Partner at Rosedean Surgery in East Cornwall. Dr Atkinson said, “On behalf of general practice in East Cornwall, can I thank the staff and boarders who have taken so much trouble to make these - a really simple design but very effective. We plan to use them for front line staff in practices and the community teams to augment existing supplies.”
Mr Wesley and pupils at Plymouth College are now trying to source more components to make extra shields. If anybody can supply sheets of thin Polypropylene and Acetate, approximately 240 micron, please contact [email protected]