Plymouth College beat off competition from 48 other regional teams to come joint third in the BASE National Business competition run by chartered accountancy body, ICAEW.
Tom Little, Paul Vallis, Kevin Vandabona, Sarah Norris, Victoria Stace and Annie Cobbold were given a case study for which they had to come up with a business proposal. Split into seven groups of seven teams, Plymouth College was top of their group and after a day of planning, problem-solving, analysis and presentations, the team was awarded highly commended at a Gala Dinner in the evening.
Plymouth College made the national final after winning the West Yorkshire heat of the competition. More than 3000 students took part nationwide.
BASE brings schools, students and employers together to develop key employability skills in young people, and improves awareness of a career in chartered accountancy.
Plymouth College’s Director of Personalised Learning, Jonathan Shields, said: “This is the second time we have come third in this competition, which is a fantastic achievement particularly as we were up against so many teams. In the last decade we have reached more than 60 national finals, taking the top spot on 15 occasions.
“Competitions like this are a great way of putting classroom theory into practice. They give students the opportunity to develop skills such as team work, communication and decision-making, which will help to put them ahead of the game in their future careers.”