The children at Plymouth College Preparatory School celebrated World Book Day with a ‘head-u-cational’ competition for the best literary-themed hats.
There were so many fantastic entries the judges had a very difficult time deciding, but they got their heads down and declared the following pupils were just ahead of the game:
EYFS Winner: Ellie Smethurst - Room on the Broom
Highly Commended: Alicia Kalita - Frozen and Archie Hollett - Blue Dinosaur
KS1 Winner: Megan Tinney - All Afloat
Highly Commended: Joshua Dawson - The Twits and Rebekah Sutherland - Matilda
Lower KS2 Winner: William Trathen - Alice in Wonderland
Highly Commended: Bryony Wannell - Mrs Pepper Pot and Phoebe Rule - 101 Dalmations
Upper KS2 Winner: Trystan Aala - The Hobbit
Highly Commended: Luke Haywood - Artemis Fowl and Millie Andrews - Jacqueline Wilson characters