The children from Years 1 and 2 at Plymouth College Preparatory School have put on a musical extravaganza in their Spring Show, ‘Rise and Shine’.
The first half saw everyone sing ‘Reach’, ‘Spring Fever’ and ‘Wake up!’ followed by some lively choral speaking. The piano solos were confidently played and were a mix of contemporary and classical music. There were also performances by the recorder and ballet groups – the Year 1 ‘Keystone Cops’ ballet was particularly entertaining!
The second half was the musical ‘Rise and Shine’. Set on a farm, the children came across lots of baby animals including lambs, rabbits, foals, ducklings and hedgehogs. The sun and rain helped the spring flowers to bloom.
‘The concert was a fantastic success’, said Headmaster, Chris Gatherer. ‘It was great to see the children performing with such enthusiasm and confidence. A lot of work had also gone into the costumes and sets, which were very colourful. Very well done to everyone who took part.”
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